Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Park Forest Scenic 10

Have you ever had a race that for no good reason, you just don't seem to feel comfortable at? I do, and it's name is the Park Forest Scenic 10. Now, I can't really say anything bad about the race. It's one of the best run races I've ever taken part in. The community really gets up for the race and the course is one of the nicer ones that I've run on. It's slightly hilly, but as evidenced by all the elite times at the race, it is a fast course. I've only run it twice so far, so the sample size is fairly limited, but both years that I've run it, I've walked away shaking my head at my performance.

Last year, I was definitely not as fit as I am this year. I was hoping for a sub 58 minute time, but instead came in at 59:35. I remember the whole time that I was running last year, that I wasn't particulary tired, I just couldn't seem to get moving. I finished the race feeling winded, but not wiped out like I usually do. This year, almost the same thing happened. I was hoping to finish sub 56 minutes, but instead came in at 57:35. I could tell by looking at my splits at each mile that I wasn't moving fast enough to reach any of my goals for the race, but once again, there was nothing I could do about it. I just couldn't move any faster. I have no idea why.

In the end, it was a 2 minute PR for the 10 mile distance, so I can't be completely upset about it, but I am left puzzled by the whole thing. It is just lack of concetration and/or toughness? Shouldn’t I be able to will myself to run at goal pace, even if my body doesn't want to cooperate? I think I should. If I can take any positive from the race, it's just the fact that I am disapointed with a 5:45 pace for 10 miles. Even as late as last year, I would have been thrilled with such a time. I have come a long way in the past year, but I have still have some work to do. Hopefully this weekend less than stellar performance will motivate me to keep working hard for my ultimate goal in late October.

On a brighter note, my daughter Chloe took part in her first race yesterday. She toed the line with the other 3 year olds and held her own in the 1/8th of a mile distance. She got a t-shirt and a medal for her efforts and her post-race feelings were that of a seasoned runner. Immediately after the race, she wanted to know where the candy was (apparently I told her about the post-race goodies at races). Then I asked her if she had fun. She said she didn't ever want to race again. I figured it was just the fatigue talking. Sure enough, once I got home, she changed her tune and began making plans for her "next wace."


At 7:31 PM, Blogger Starcrunch said...

Jeez, my daughter is still too chicken to toe the line, candy or not. Maybe it's no coincidence that you ran this race about where you've been running your tempo runs. If you haven't really done any speedwork, and you're racing something longer than a 10K, I think the body sometimes lulls itself into a pace it knows-in your case your 4-7 mile tempo pace a la Pfitzinger. I could be totally wrong about this, but it did come to mind.

It sounds like you weren't being pushed by other runners or part of a pack that was moving along, which could have made things go better.


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Marathon Progression

10/1998 Chicago Marathon: 3:35 10/1999 Chicago Marathon: 3:03 4/2000 Boston Marathon: 3:10 10/2000 Chicago Marathon: 2:51 4/2001 Boston Marathon: 3:25 10/2001 Chicago Marathon: 2:51 5/2002 Lakeshore Marathon: 2:57 10/2002 Chicago Marathon: 2:54 6/2003 Grandmas Marathon: 3:35 10/2003 Chicago Marathon: 3:01 10/2004 Chicago Marathon: 2:48 10/2005 Chicago Marathon: 2:46 12/2005 Tecumseh Trail Marathon: 3:21 4/2006 Equestrian Connection Marathon: 2:45 10/2006 Chicago Marathon: 2:38:21 4/2007 Equestrian Connection Marathon: 2:40? 10/2007 Chicago Marathon: 2:45 10/2007 Lakefront 50/50 Marathon: 2:45 4/2008 Equestrian Connection Marathon: 2:36:15 10/2008 Chicago Marathon: 2:41:25