Happy Thanksgiving - Day 20 Post-Op
I'm extremely thankful for the 3 miles I was able to slog through this morning. It was my first run outside (on concrete) since the surgery, and while I still have a ways to go to be able to handle a true marathon build, I'm gaining confidence that in another month I'll be there.
I'm continuing to work on my toe exercises, which are just range of motion of bending of the toe. It isn't too painful and I actually have better ROM now that I did prior to the surgery, which is encouraging. If there is one nagging thing it is the incision, which continues to be a pain in my, err, foot. While it has improved, it continues to annoy me when pretty much anything rubs up against it. That's OK during the day, but at night, I've been waking up far too often as I bang or rub it against the bed throughout the night. I never even considered that the incision would be a consideration in the recovery process, but it is definitely proving to be the biggest area of concern.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Labels: cheilectomy, hallux rigidus
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